Just get out and do it.

Welcome to my blog, Garden for Your Life! This site will be mostly about my garden, but you can build one just like it in your back yard too. It can be bigger or smaller, just get out and do it. You can do it for fun. Your can do it for your health. You can do it for fresh food in these troubled times. The point is to get out and do it for whatever reason that you need.

Over time I will cover topics like canning and preserving your harvest, soil and beds, bugs, what to plant and when, and much more.

I've been working on this garden on mine and improving on it for over five years now. I will continue doing that for many more. You can too, just get out and do it.


Thursday, May 30, 2013


Here's some fresh pic's of the critters around my back yard.

Buckwheat, Californian.

Hansel, New Zealand

BeBe, Californian

Pepper, American Chinchilla

Mixed cali/newsie bunnies

One of the babies ready for her close up.

Henny, Barred Rock

A couple of my Buff Orpingtons

The harvest has begun!

Hey all!  Time for an update as harvesting has begun.  Mostly green peppers and tomato's! My garden is really doing good for its first year, so I'm really happy.  Here's the pics!

Lots of green peppers

Blackberries and strawberries


Globe basil

Lotsa tomato's

Some more herbs



and serranos!

Pineapple basil

Tomatillo's and slicing tomato's in the back