Just get out and do it.

Welcome to my blog, Garden for Your Life! This site will be mostly about my garden, but you can build one just like it in your back yard too. It can be bigger or smaller, just get out and do it. You can do it for fun. Your can do it for your health. You can do it for fresh food in these troubled times. The point is to get out and do it for whatever reason that you need.

Over time I will cover topics like canning and preserving your harvest, soil and beds, bugs, what to plant and when, and much more.

I've been working on this garden on mine and improving on it for over five years now. I will continue doing that for many more. You can too, just get out and do it.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Just to prove that you can can anything, lets can some BACON!

Yes, you can indeed can BACON! Ahem sorry, I obsess a little when it comes to bacon, a basic food group. 

First fry up a mess of BACON!  In this case I made 12 pounds of fried bacon.  I bought 36 pounds from Zaycon Foods.com and I needed to preserve it somehow and freezing just wasn't an answer so canning it must be.

Since this is going into pint jars I cut the bacon in half so it would fit.  This is also the perfect size for bacon sandwiches. Do not over cook the bacon as it will cook a little more as you pressure can it.

Smells so good on the grill!
Drain the grease well.  6 pounds worth of delicious BACON!

Now your ready to pack and can!  Cut strips of parchment paper about 24 inches long and a foot wide.  Place 18 pieces on it, fold top and bottom over and roll.  Stuff it into the jar, put on the lid, and repeat until all the jars are full and your ready to pressure can it.

And into the pressure canner it goes. 75 Min and its done.

On the table and cooling.  7 pints worth for 6 pounds of bacon, minus what I ate while cooking it. Hey you got to test it while you cook it!

Here's a raw packed quart next to a cooked pint. Notice the amount of fat in the jar.  it makes a big difference to cook it first. 

You can also make and can your own Bacon bits too.  Just buy bacon ends, chop up fine, and cook out the fat.  Drain well, fill jar, and pressure can it.  Enjoy!

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